This CU is part of the 1st cycle, and the scientific area, of Physical Education and Sport. Its objective is the full intervention of the student in the professional activity, carried out in gyms. Through an internship, the student has the opportunity to join a work team, in a real context of practice, and progressively start their future professional activity. This gradual interaction in a real practice context guarantees the consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired during the two previous years of the degree and enhances the acquisition and development of new skills, crucial for specific and comprehensive preparation. The completion of this CU, in the last year of the study plan, provides students with an intense experience of preparation for professional activities in the context of Academy Activities and guarantees a close collaboration with different Host Institutions.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Bachelor | Anual | 17
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
3 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
The Syllabus is:
1. Fundamental characteristics of gyms: specific reality, infrastructure and equipment, main objectives and target population.
2. Assessment of physical condition in real practice context;
3. Exercise design and planning for the maintenance and improvement of physical condition;
4. Training operationalization and control for the maintenance and improvement of physical condition;
5. Intervention in a real practice context: control and intervention in a gym room, individual and group training, contact with the client.
The main learning objectives (LO) are:
LO1) Ensure integration in the structure of an organization/company, enabling the student to recognize its characteristics, namely, respect for its hierarchical line, the chain for decision-making and the horizontal interpersonal relationship;
LO2) Complement the academic training of students through contact with the reality of the labour market;
LO3) Provide the consolidation and deepening of theoretical and practical training, through the integration of the student in a work activity, where they apply, in a real context, the knowledge and skills acquired during their academic training;
LO4) Enable the student to acquire autonomy in performing the tasks proposed to them, the ability to responsibly comply with the recommendations imposed by their superior, and the acceptance of general guidelines for conduct and work, specific to their professional environment.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
As metodologias utilizadas estão de acordo com a evidência cientifica atualizada.
American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). Diretrizes ACSM ? Para os testes de Esforc¿o e a sua Prescric¿a¿o (10a ed.). W. Kluwer.
American college of sports (2021). ACSM?s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (11th ed.). United States: Wolters Kluwer.
Clark, M., Lucett, S. & Sutton, B. (2012). NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. 4th Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.
WHO. (2021). Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health. Geneve.
Office Hours
Office Hours