
Class Social Psychology and Psychology of Organisations

  • Presentation


    This UC intends to present the main concepts and theories that explain the individual¿s attitudes and behaviors and the interpersonal dynamics that occur in an organizational context. It is expected that students understand how they can intervene in these processes in their future professional practice, enhancing their performance, as social workers, with their employers.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction to Social and Organizational Psychology

    1.1. Organizational Behavior

    1.2. The psychology of organizational behavior


    2. Human Behavior in Organizations

    2.1. Fundamentals of individual behavior (individual differences, perceptions and attitudes, personalities and motivation)

    2.2. Fundamentals of group behavior (group structures and process and work teams)


    3. Communication in Organizations

    3.1. Communication functions and process

    3.2. Interpersonal and organizational communication

    3.3. Barriers to effective communication

    3.4. Conflict and negotiation


    4. Decision Making and Leadership Processes in Organizations

    4.1. The individual decision process

    4.2. The group decision process

    4.3. Leadership in associations


    5. Change and Intervention in Organizations

    5.1. Organizational Climate and Culture

    5.2 Resistance to Change

    5.3. Change and Intervention in Organizations

  • Objectives


    1. Familiarize students with the importance of social and human dimensions in the organizations¿ functioning
    2. Disseminate the main theories of Social and Organizational Psychology
    3. Promote reflection on individual and group processes of organizational behavior
    4. Develop knowledge about communication, decision-making, leadership and organizational change processes.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The teaching methodology is geared towards a process centered on the students' skills and oriented towards understanding and conceptual reflection on the themes. Assessment will be continuous, valuing student participation in the learning dynamic. The following elements will therefore be considered: Group work, corresponding to 20% of the final grade. 2 written tests, corresponding to 60% (30%+30%) of the final grade. Discussion/participation in class, practical exercises, representing 20% of the final grade.

    The grade of each of the elements must be greater than or equal to 9,5 points. The appeal exam will consist in a written test (100%), with a minimum grade for approval is 9,5 points.

  • References


    Aronson, E., Wilson, T.D., & Sommers, S.R. (2020). Social Psychology, Global Edition (10ª Ed.). Pearson.

    Barling, J., & Cooper, C.L. (2008). The sage handbook of organizational behavior (Vol. 1): Micro Approaches. Sage Public.

    David, S. (Coord.) (2020) Motivar equipas. Guia HBR. Coimbra: Papelmunde.

    Edmondson, A.E. (2019). The fearless organization. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    Gilovich, T., Keltner, D., Chen, S., & Nisbett, R.E. (2018). Social Psychology. International Student Edition. WW Norton & Co

    Neves, J. (2014). Psicologia organizacional: Indivíduo, trabalho e organização. In, S.P.Gonçalves(Coord.). Psicossociologia do trabalho e das organizações: Princípios e práticas. Pactor.

    Smith, M., & Goldman, J. (2021). Emotional Intelligence 2.0: The indispensable guide to improving your social skills. Mark Smith.

    Truxillo, D.M., Bauer, T.N., & Erdogan, B. (2021). Psychology and work: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. Routledge.


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