
Class Communication Planning

  • Presentation


    It is intended that students acquire awareness of the fundamentals, the functioning and the specificity of the company's commercial communication. It is intended that students master the process of creating and planning the communication of organizations and know how to use, at each moment, the various communication tools in an integrated and coherent way in a previously defined strategy
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The Communication mix Definition and Types of Communication Strategies From advertising strategy to creative strategy Advertising Media planning Design and implementation of a multimedia communication campaign Campaign Evaluation Criteria  
  • Objectives


    It is intended that students master the process of creating and planning the communication of organizations and know how to use, at each moment, the various communication tools in an integrated and coherent way in a previously defined strategy. Students should be able to develop and implement a range of activities within commercial communication on a wide variety of platforms, testing their ability to integrate paid media into a global communication plan  
  • References


    Anuário ¿Media e Publicidade 2023¿, (2024), Lisboa, Marktest Artigos a fornecer pelo docente Le Brochand, Bernard; Dionisio, Pedro; Rodrigues, Joaquim Vicente; Arnaud, Baynast (2010) Publicitor ¿ Comunicação 360º online ¿ offline, Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, Z. W. Y., Chan, T. K. H., Chong, A. Y.-L., & Thadani, D. R. (2019). Customer engagement through omnichannel retailing: The effects of channel integration quality. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 90¿101. Reis, Carlos Francisco de Sousa (2007) O Valor (Des)educativo da Publicidade. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra ¿ Volli, Hugo (2016), Semiótica da Publicidade - A Criação do Texto Publicitário, Lisboa: Edições 70.  
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