
Class Dissertation Project

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit provides students of the Master's in Production and Sound Technologies with theoretical and practical skills aimed at preparing the final master's thesis project. Based on the emergence of the concept of sound and its technologies, the UC intends to contribute to the evolution of the areas of sound studies in the Portuguese academy. Understood as preparatory work for the completion of the thesis, the discipline introduces students to the problems and methodologies specific to this field of research, in an interdisciplinary perspective.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Focused on the preparation for the master's thesis, the curricular unit develops in a tutorial way, organized as a permanent dialogue between each student and the respective teacher / supervisor. 

    Part I: Fundamentals 

    1. What does it mean to investigate? What is a thesis for?

    2. Introduction to sound research

    3. Disciplinarity and multidisciplinarity
    4. Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity 

    5. Sound studies, artistic research and practice-based research

    Part II: Deepening: theory and practice 

    1. Choice and organization of bibliographic sources

    2. The index

    3. Records and notes
    4. The state of the art 

    5. Research methodologies

    6. General work plan

    Part III: Research 

    1. Open issues in the current context
    2. Individual research and preparation for the final work 

  • Objectives


    The objectives of this UC are: The identification of scientific, technical, artistic and / or philosophical foundations related to the research problem; the systematic contextualization of the state of the art regarding the issues under analysis; the acquisition of critical and analytical skills as well as a reflection on the methodologies to be developed; the timeline of the research project, including key tasks; It also intends to motivate an individual questioning about how the various plans and themes of research selected fit and inscribe themselves in contemporaneity. 

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Tutorial teaching / individual monitoring. Weekly presentation by students of problems and progress in research. Class discussion of all research topics, including textual references, sound and/or technological instances, that will allow analytical or illustrative roots to be developed by the student. 

  • References


    Bull, M., Cobussen, M. (Eds) (2021) The Bloomsbury Handbook od Sonic Methodologies. Bloomsbury Academic 

    Creswell, J. (2014) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications, Inc. 

    Eco, U. (2015) How to write a thesis. MIT Press 

    Frodeman, R., Klein, J. & Mitcham, C. (2010) The Oxford Handbook Of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford University Press 

    Hannula, M., Suoranta, J. & Vadén, T. (2014) Artistic Research Methodology: Narrative, Power and the Public. Critical Qualitative Research. Peter Lang. 

    Kittler, F. (1999) Gramophone, film, typewriter . Stanford University Press.
    Peters, P., Borgdorff, H., & Pinch, T. (2019) Dialogues between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies. Routledge
    Sterne, J. (Ed.) (2012) The Sound Studies Reader . Routledge. 

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