
Class Social and Educational Change Theories

  • Presentation


    This UC (or module) addresses the issues of social change and educational change, which are fundamental for the master's students to know the difficulties and obstacles as well as the demands and processes that mark the processes of change. Without this knowledge, it will not be possible to ensure that each professional assumes himself as the protagonist of the necessary organizational and pedagogical changes in a changing world.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1.Challenges of today's societies. Global and Local: "Living Together".2.Levels of reality: subject, groups, organizations, institutions and societies and their dynamics.3.Historical paradigms of social change: from Lewin to Palo Alto: theories of social change and educational innovation.  The function of social conflict. Conflicts and consensus.4.Policies and practices. How do practices change?The time and conditions for its sustainability.5.Change and innovation in education: concepts, models and strategies. Society and school: transformative and conservative dynamics. Processes of change and their demands in school institution, on group dynamics and development of subjects. 6."Good practice". Societies and contexts. The reconstruction of practices and the sharing of knowledge built and in action. Analysis of realities.7.Challenges highlighted by the Covid crisis: ICT, social inequalities and necessary critical questioning of dominant school model.

  • Objectives


    - To ensure structured and systematized information and reflection on the themes under analysis;

    - To present, discuss and integrate central concepts for the analysis of change and innovation, both in societies and in the school institution and, in particular, in professional practices in different contexts;

    - To articulate the theoretical contributions with the social (and institutional) practices and with the professional

    inscriptions of the participants as well as with the investigations and innovations in progress or to be carried out;

    - To acquiring skills to analyse processes of change and innovation, integrating the theoretical contributions and going beyond common sense;

    - To use appropriate concepts to approach the processes of change both orally and in written texts;

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment


    - Presentation of thematic lines in a synthetic and questioning way,seeking to illustrate the issues addressed in space, time and in situations known by participants.

    - Diversity of pedagogical supports;

    - University pedagogy based on adult pedagogies, explaining the representations and experiences of the participants. Interactive sessions;

    - Group approach to themes, to be carried out during the module; Informed debates based on the work bibliography distributed during the module, with the presentation of group analyses, with final systematization by the teacher (50%);

    - Personal summaries (of a critical nature) on the work topics to be carried out and delivered at the end of the module (50%);

    - Self-assessment and final assessment.

  • References


    Beck, U., Giddens, A. & Lash, S. (2000). Modernização Reflexiva. Oeiras: Celta

    Benavente, A., Peixoto, P.(2019) Impacto do Covid 19 no sistema de ensino português in 

    Benavente, A. & Panchaud, C. (Eds.) (2008). Lutte contre la pauvreté et éducation pour l¿inclusion. Perspectives, 37(2). Paris: Unesco

    Benavente, A. (2004). O Pacto Educativo para o futuro.Revista IberoAmericana de Educação, 34, 69-108

    Benavente, A. (1999). Escola, Professoras e processos de mudança. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte

    Huberman, A. M (1973). Como se realizam as mudanças em educação. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Cultrix

    Lewin, K. (1968). Décisions de groupe et changement social.In A. Levy (Org.), Psychologie sociale (393-42).2.Paris: Dunod

    OCDE-CERI (2001). What future for our schools? DEEL-SA/ED/CERI/CD(2000) 12/PART5/REV2

    Perrenoud, P. & Gather Thurler, M. (1994). A Escola e a Mudança.Lisboa: Escolar Editora

    Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J. & Fisch, R. (1975). Changements, paradoxes et psychothérapie. Paris: Seuil

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    António Teodoro

    A combinar 

    Gabinete Instituto de Educação







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