
Class Observation of Educational Contexts and Pedagogical Differentiation

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to trigger an in-depth "look" on the contexts in which educational practices take place, in order to better understand them, in order to intervene in them.

  • Code


  • Syllabus




    1. Naturalistic observation

       1.1. Introduction of the concept

       1.2. Purposes.

       1.3 Conditions for its realization

    2. The practice of observation of educational settings

       2.1. Preparation of observers

       2.2. Registration and analysis of the observation data

    3. Ethnographic approach: field notes

    4. Pedagogical differentiation: concept and implications

    5. Inclusive pedagogical differentiation: concept, practice and implications

  • Objectives


     The student should be able to:

    • . discuss concepts, types and processes inherent to observation of educational contexts and pedagogical differentiation; 
    • show in class, for discussion, products deriving from theoretical and empirical research concerning themes under study; 
    • experience in real situation, methods, techniques and instruments for data collection and processing, to feature specific educational contexts and situations;
    • .share ideas, experiences and knowledge.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment



    Expository method for definition and contextualization of concepts; discussion teaching-oriented and caused by students about the issues presented; use of power point; practical exercises of application of techniques of collection and analysis of data; role-playing; experience of application of technique of observation, on the ground; individual and group work, in a cooperative perspective.  

    Evaluation: submission of papers in class for exploitation of content (in Group) (20%) written work, with theoretical review and empirical data collection and analysis (70%) participation in sessions, attendance and punctuality (10 percent).

  • References


    Amado, J. (2013). Manual de investigação qualitativa em educação. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

    Afonso, N. (2005). Investigação naturalista em Educação. ASA.

    Graue, M. & Walsh, D. (2003). Investigação etnográfica com crianças: teoria, métodos e ética. F. C. G.

    Kilpatrick W. (2006). O método de projecto. Pedagogo.

    Lieberman, A. (1986). Collaborative research: working with, not working on. Educational Leadership, 43(5), 29-32.

    Paillé, P. & Mucchielli, A. (2003). L¿analyse qualitative en sciences humaines et sociales.   Armand Colin.

    Perrenoud, Ph. (1999). Pedagogia Diferenciada. Das Intenções à Ação. Artmed.

    Sanches, I. (2011). Do ¿aprender para fazer¿ ao ¿aprender fazendo¿: as práticas de Educação inclusiva, na escola. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 19,157-163.

    Tomlinson, C. A. (2008). Diferenciação pedagógica e diversidade: ensino de alunos em turmas com diferentes níveis de capacidades. Porto Editora.

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Rosa Serradas Duarte

    Segundo as necessidades expressas dos alunos

                        Instituto de Educação







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