
Class Analysis of Public Policies

  • Presentation


    The UC is quite relevant for the master's degree in view of the fact that it allows the development of knowledge at the macro level, not only in the formulation of policies, but also at the level of the instruments necessary for its analysis. On the other hand, the comprehension and analytical capacity of public policies, within which we find the educational policies, is crucial to understand and identify modes of regulation in education, but also to develop critical capacity in relation to the meso level, namely in regarding the school management, fundamental for the students of this course.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. School administration: cognitive, practical and evaluative dimension.
           1. Instrumental, democratic and emancipatory rationality.
    2. The concept of public policies and educational policies
           1. Analysis Methodologies
           2. The regulation of education

           3. New modes of transnational regulation of education policies

    3. Participated management of education
           1. Autonomy, regulation and emancipation in education and empowerment

  • Objectives


    To analyze the political significance of participation and the organization of the educational process
    To articulate politics, law, and morality
    To identify and construct public policies
    To analyze educational policies in epistemological and methodological dimensions
    To apply methodologies of analysis of educational policies
    To understand the concept of regulation in education
    To identify and analyze new modes of transnational regulation of educational policies


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies include mainly practical classes, theoretical classes and tutorials. It is from the theoretical-practical classes that the students will come to the concepts, being the theoretical classes for systematization of the teacher. Theoretical-practical classes will be developed from active methodologies, such as reading and writing texts, debates, small group reflections and group work. The students have the tutorial guidance of the teacher in the elaboration of the evaluation work.

    The assessment is both on process and product. In this sense, the master's students will be evaluated in 60% for the work produced in the CU classes and in 40% for the production of an individual written work of critical comment from the readings to be delivered at the end of the CU.


  • References


    Barroso, J. (2005). O estado, a educação e a regulação das políticas públicas. Educação & Sociedade, 92 (26), 725-751.

    Dale, R. (2010). A Sociologia da Educação e o Estado após a globalização. Educação e Sociedade, 31(113), 1099-1120.

    Mainardes, J. (2006). Abordagem do ciclo de políticas: uma contribuição para a análise de políticas educacionais.Educação & Sociedade, 94 (27), 47-69.

    Tello, C. (Coord.) (2013). Epistemologias de la Política Educativa. Posicionamientos, perspectivas y enfoques. Campinas,SP: Mercado das Letras.

    Teodoro, A. (2010). Educação, Globalização e Neoliberalismo. Os novos modos de regulação transnacional das políticasde educação. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas

    Teodoro, A. (1999). Políticas educativas: considerações breves sobre a transdisciplinaridade de um campo de estudo.Revista de Humanidades e Tecnologias (1): 117-121.



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