
Class Exercise in Cancer and Musculoskeletal Diseases

  • Presentation


    The CU Exercise in Cancer, and Musculoskeletal Diseases is part of the 2nd cycle in Exercise and Health, scientific area of Physical Education and Sport. The 2nd cycle studies are based on the perspective that knowledge about Physical Exercise and Health applied to cancer and musculoskeletal diseases are essential for a full understanding of the phenomena inherent to the practice of physical exercise in populations with pathology, considering a targeted approach to an active lifestyle. The CU aims to provide updated knowledge regarding the role of physical exercise applied to cancer and musculoskeletal diseases. This knowledge is decisive both for evaluation, prescription and exercise guidance in subjects with these pathologies, as well as for the understanding of physical exercise as a therapeutic adjunct and primary or secondary prevention factor for these pathologies.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    PC1 EXERCISE AND CANCER Neoplasia: basic concepts and classification Epidemiology and Carcinogenic agents Biology of the neoplastic cell The main models of human cancer: breast, colorectal and prostate cancers Cancer and physical activity Survivors of Cancer and physical activity   PC2 EXERCISE IN MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects in bone, joint and muscular pathologies Physical assessment, planning and exercise prescription for bone, joint and muscular pathologies
  • Objectives


    Defining the learning objectives (LO), it is intended that students who attend this UC: LO1) acquire knowledge about the etiology and pathophysiology of cancer and musculoskeletal diseases; LO2) acquire and apply skills in the interpretation of physiological, functional and organic changes resulting from the practice of various types of exercise and physical activity in the context of the aforementioned pathologies LO3) acquire and apply skills related to assessment methods, exercise prescription and training planning for subjects with these pathologies.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Different teaching methodologies (TM) will be used: Expository lectures using audiovisual materials; (TM1), Problem case solving: training of practical skills for planning and carrying out research work (TM2), Bibliographic research (TM3), Reading and analysis of scientific papers (TM4), Feedback provided by the teacher on work developed (TM5).
  • References


    Kumar Abbas Aster. (2015). Robbins and Cotran pathology basis of disease. 9th edition. Elsevier Sauders. American College of Sports Medicine, Melinda Irwin. (2012). ACSM¿s Guide to Exercise and Cancer Survivorship.  Farooqui and A. A. Farooqui. (2015). Diet and Exercise in Cognitive Function and Neurological Diseases. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ.  Pedersen BK, Saltin B (2015). Exercise as medicine - evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic diseases. Scand J Med Sci Sports;25 Suppl 3:1-72. Fiona Wilson, John Gormley, Juliette Hussey (2011). Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders. Wiley-Blackwell.  
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