
Class Research Methodology and Management

  • Presentation


    This CU will provide support to the development of the research project and dissertation.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Research methodology.

    1.1. Questions prior to the investigation.

    1.2. The stages of the investigation process.

    2. Drafting of Projects and Application Forms for funding (PT2020, FCT, EU, etc.).

    3. Project planning, financing and administration.

    3.1.The object of investigation

    3.2. [Systematic] Review of Literature. Theoretical framework of the State of the Art.

    3.3.The scope of the investigation. Methodological rigor. Diversity of Methods.

    4. Processes. Ethical issues. Project execution (Scientific and Financial Component) Project management (Scientific and financial reports)

    5. Process of investigation, measurement, collection, analysis and progress reports.

    5.1.Questions related to the type of measures in health sciences, biology and social sciences.

    5.2.Registration and information file: Excel / SPSS. . Statistics (descriptive, non-descriptive, univariate ...). Analysis of Variance, Discriminant Farctors, Regression and Factorial Analysis.

    6. Impacts. Disclosure.

  • Objectives


    Develop an understanding of the social, epistemological, economic and methodological dimensions of research as a support for its design and dissemination.

    Promote the ability to design projects, innovate and manage research and experimental development, from the conception of the idea to the result for the market and society.

    Know how to search and identify references to prepare research projects.

    Develop knowledge about the concepts of innovation and invention. Stimulate creativity in research and the registration of inventions.

    Students should, at the end of their studies, be able to: define a strategy to prepare projects according to the application requirements for national or international funding applying the skills to research, identify, and choose acquired methods and techniques. Know the entities (national and international), conditions and procedures for submitting applications and for registering patents or other intellectual protection.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The innovative methodologies used to support the teaching-learning process are the following:
    1. Stimulation of self-development through the design of the research project itself
    2. Acquisition of autonomous research skills in dozens of international multidisciplinary reference databases
    3. Familiarization with interactions and presentations in Zoom, MSTeams and Moodle Platform
  • References


    Azevedo, C. e Azevedo A. (2008). Metodologia Científica: Contributos para a Elaboração de Trabalhos Académicos. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora.

    Sousa, G. V. (1998). Metodologia da investigação, redacção e apresentação de trabalhos científicos. Porto: Livraria Civilização Editora.

    Bell J. (2004). Como realizar um projecto de investigação. Lisboa: Gradiva.

    Quivy, R e Campenhoudt, LV. Manual de investigação em ciências sociais. 3.ª ed. Lisboa: Gradiva; 2003.

    Clanchy, J e Ballard, B. Como esrever ensaios, um guia para estudantes. Lisboa: Temas e Debates, 2000.

    Marconi, AM e Lakatos, EM. Fundamentos de metodologia científica. 6.ª ed. São Paulo: Atlas; 2005.

    Day RA. (1998). How to write & publish a scientific paper. Phoenix: Oryx Press.

    Carvalho, JE. Metodologia do trabalho científico - Saber-fazer da investigação para dissertações e teses. ISBN: 9789725922446. 2ªEdição: 05-2009; Editor: Escolar Editora

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