Devido a dificuldades técnicas nos nossos serviços informamos que não serão aplicadas sobretaxas em todos os atos académicos realizados até 16 de setembro de 2024.


Class Trabalho de Projeto / Dissertação: Técnica e Prática

  • Presentation


    The course aims to be a place to DO; do better, do worse, fail... practicing, experimenting and making room for accidents. And then to show, discuss and reflect upon the adequacy of results in relation to expectations. And start again.

    This semester students are expected to structure their final course project (thesis project), the course aims to refine students' sense to the technical and aesthetic options of their photographic practice. Students will be encouraged to make decisions and to DO, testing the implications of these choices.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    This course has no imperative guidelines, at most it can resort to "unblocking" exercises. Students will be encouraged to filter out the many voices that speak to them, either through the extensive bibliography presented to them throughout the course or through the comments of teachers and guests, allowing them a space of "stubborn silence" in which they can produce (and make mistakes), while moving towards a position of authorship/authority.

    In this sense, the course must necessarily be fluid, providing resources that adapt to the students, the moment and the context.

  • Objectives


    It is intended that students will gain confidence and autonomy in relation to their decisions, finding a place of expression in which they can recognize their voice and are able to defend their choices. This course is linked to the Project and Dissertation: Immersion and Creation course in order to support the development of a set of ideas/concepts that broaden the spectrum of relationships between various areas of photographic language, working the concept of rhizome and metalanguage in order to better articulate the relationship between theory and practice in an artistic research project.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The classes are based on mentoring, with various moments of presentation of work in front of colleagues in which they must discuss the technical and aesthetic choices made for the realization of their work and confront the doubts and questions raised (group critiques).

    In conjunction with the UC Project and Dissertation: Immersion and Creation, visits by various guests will be organized for viewing sessions and critiques of work in progress.

  • References


    • Carta de Sol Lewitt a Eva Hesse (1965)



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