
Class Didactics of Visual Arts II

  • Presentation


    Combining the theory with practice deals with the pedagogy of the teaching of the arts, having as main reference the world of images of the forms and their resources. It calls for the most current knowledge in the field of visual arts, as well as methodologies and teaching strategies, in order to put them at the service of students ' learning. It develops competencies and aptitudes for critical reflection on the teaching of Arts in contemporaneity and for the practice of pedagogical innovation processes.Área de preenchimento obrigatório.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The work of art in the classroom:

    Intelligence and aesthetic experience
    Stages of aesthetic development in its appreciation
    Integration of the work of art in the programming of activities; strategies. Artistic education and the educational projects of museums and other institutions

    Arts and multidisciplinarity

    Importance of the integration with other areas and common projects

    Examples from the practice

    Plastic expression and creativity
    Creativity in visual arts
    Components and stages of creative thinking Methods and techniques for its development Assessing creativity

    Teaching in postmodernity
    Contemporary debates, perspectives and challenges ¿ connections to contemporary art; inclusion, multiculturalism
    Teaching theories: visual culture and the meanings of images in culture. New media for artistic creation (drawing, photography, cinema and information technologies)

    Research in visual arts

  • Objectives


    ÁUnderstand and debate visual arts in the historical context of cultures and challenges facing artistic education in postmodernity
    -Demonstrate knowledge on phases of aesthetical development in understanding works of art
    -Understand and use in pedagogical projects the works of art syncronically and diacronically, adapted to chosen themes and according to students level
    -Know the characteristics, components and phases of the creative process and strategies to develop creativity in the pedagogical process
    -Demonstrate aptitudes and knowledge to the practice of pedagogical innovation considering interdisciplinarity and the multicultural reality of educative contexts
    -Recognize specificities of research in artistic education and be able to formulate research projects in the arearea de preenchimento obrigatório.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    We use active and diversified teaching/learning methodologies: Distribution of texts selected by groups; group discussion and subsequent debate open to the whole class.

    Invitation to students from previous years to present their work to the class, followed by a debate

    Investigation of a topic by the students and presentation to the class followed by a debate.

  • References


    • Aguirre, I. (2005). Teorias Y Práticas en Educación artística. Ideas para una revisión pragmatista de la experiencia estética. Pamplona: universidade de Navarra.
    • Eça, T. & Mason, R. (Eds)) (2008). International Dialogues about Visual Culture. Education and Art. UK:L Intellect books
    • Efland, A. D., Freedman, K & Stuhr, P. (2003). La educación en el arte posmoderna. Barcelona: Paidós.
    • Fróis, J. P. (coord) (2008). Educação Estética e Artística: Abordagens Transdisciplinares. Lisboa: Fundação Gulbenkian.
    • Gaudelius, Y & Speirs, P. (2002). Contemporary issues in art education. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
    • Hetland. L., Winner, E., Veenema, S., Sheridan, K. M. & Perkins, D. N. (2007). The Real Benefits of Visual Art Education. N Y: Teachers College Press.
    • Hernandez, F. (2010). Educación y Cultura Visual . Barcelona: Octaedro.
    • Vasconcelos, M. C.., Duarte, J. & Bahía, S. (Coord). (2014).Dossier artes Visuais na Escola. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 26.  
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