
Class Estudos Avançados de Direito Penal

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit includes central themes of general and special criminal law, analyzing them from a dogmatic and political-criminal perspective, which considers the needs of both theoretical and jurisprudential practice

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    ¿ The society of risk, the rule of law and the criminal justice of the "fact". The essential function of the concept of legal good/Rechtsgut, as well as the general theory/construction of the crime.

    ¿ The distinction between illicit (= unlawful fact) and guilt/fault (culpa) as a nuclear issue of the criminal law of continental tradition.

    ¿ Monographic themes (e.g., error, illicit behaviour¿s justification, objective imputation, special forms of crime, crimes in particular).

  • Objectives


    General overview of the nowadays doctrine on the studied themes. Analysis of the theoretical and dogmatic basis of those themes and its projections on legal regulation and jurisprudential solutions. Promotion of an autonomous reflection on Criminal Law¿s central problems, providing the skills needed for the proper performance of legal professions and research.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment


    The curricular unit¿s teaching will consist on theoretical-practical classes, including a first exposition on each theme (by the professor or the PhD¿s students), followed by a discussion and conclusive remarks on the debated positions.

    Evaluation will considerate the global intervention of each student during the classes and, specialy, the presentation of an individual work about a particular theme.

  • References



    Além da bibliografia indicada para os particulares temas tratados:

    Costa, A. (2017). Ilícito pessoal, imputação objectiva e comparticipação em direito penal. Coimbra: Almedina (reimp.).

    Dias, J. (2019). Direito penal. Parte geral. Tomo I, 3.ª ed., Coimbra: Gestlegal.

    Horder, J. (2019). Ashword's Principles of Criminal Law, 9. ed., Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.

    Roxin, C. (2001/2014). Derecho Penal. Parte General. Vols. I/II. Madrid: Civitas.

    Smith, J. C./Hogan, B./Ormerod D./Laird K. (2018). Criminal Law. 15th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Atendimento sempre disponível mediante marcação de comum acordo com os doutorandos.

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