This Curricular Unit (UC) fills an important space within the Physical and Sports Activities included in the curriculum of the 1st Cycle of Studies. "Wrestling" has always been part of the life and culture of the people. The process of transition to the sporting path and the natural expansion of some combat sports (Wrestling and Judo) have given them added importance. The "Wrestling Games" with rules, where the physical integrity of the companion/opponent is the "golden rule", were seen in a different way. Their educational and formative potential is at stake, not only because of the specific physical abilities and motor skills they develop, but also because of the values they transmit. It is in this context that this UC promotes a more eclectic training of the students, equipping them with resources of high pedagogical value, which compete so that they can be better professionals.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Bachelor | Semestral | 3
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
2 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
I. HISTORICAL-ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF COMBAT SPORTS 1. Philosophical and socio-cultural aspects inherent to the emergence and historical evolution of Judo / Fight and Game of the Wood II. TERMINOLOGICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ATTACK AND DEFENSE 1. Consolidation of the principles, forms, factors and phases of combat and their interconnection III. TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL-TECHNICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF COMBAT SPORTS IV. THE OFFICIAL RULES OF THE JUDO AND WRESTLING 1. Standards of their organizations (e.g. national and international federations) V. THE LABEL: GREETINGS, SAFETY RULES rea de preenchimento obrigatório.
The present CU aims to provide up-to-date background knowledge and skills related to Judo and Wrestling teaching in different contexts. Thus, it is intended that students:1) Know the historical aspects and socio-cultural dimension of Combat Sports and their evolution; 2) Master the basic terminological aspects that allow interpreting, understanding and analyzing the characteristics of the fundamental Wrestling techniques; 3) Understand and master the basic technical gestures and tactical/technical Combat Sports’ principles; 4) Master the basic and specific Combat Sports’ regulatory aspects; 5) Characterize and distinguish the different kinds of Combat Sports; 6) Follow the safety rules, respecting the colleagues’ physical integrity (“golden rule”).
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Different teaching methodologies (TM) will be used: Demonstration, experimentation and practical exercise (TM1) Pedagogical practices in a simulated situation of planning, organization and intervention within the scope of teaching/learning (TM2) Resolution of practical cases (TM3), Small-scale activities group (TM4), Feedback information provided by the teacher about the work carried out (TM5)
Casado, G. (1990). 1000 ejercicios y actividades de lucha. Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo. Kobaiashi, K (2014). Judo ilustrado - Kyu e Dan (2a ed.). Coimbra: ADJC/MinervaCoimbra Martins, P. (2010). Luta olímpica: O conhecimento pedagógico. Oeiras: FMH Edições. Veloso, R., Cachada, J., & Aranha, Á. (2010). Uma abordagem didáctica do judo: Ideias e sugestões de trabalho. Vila Real Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
Office Hours
Office Hours