
Dulce Patrícia Vale De Vasconcelos Pinto

Dulce Patrícia Vale De Vasconcelos Pinto


Dulce Patrícia Vale de Vasconcelos Pinto. Completed the Doutoramento in PhD in Applied Psychology in 2017/07/13 by Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Mestrado in Master in Psychology in 2011/07/22 by Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia and Licenciatura in Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 2008/09/09 by Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciencias Sociais. Is Assistente in Psiquilíbrios - Centro de Consulta Psicológica e Apoio Educativo, Assistant Professor in Universidade Lusófona do Porto Faculdade de Psicologia Educação e Desporto, Researcher in HEI-Lab Digital Human-Environment Interaction Lab, Universidade Lusófona, Assistente in Serviço de Psicologia, Inovação e Conhecimento (SPIC) da Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário do Porto, Coordenadora Pedagógica do 3º Ano da Licenciatura em Psicologia [Pedagogical Coordinator of the 3rd year of the Bachelor Degree in Psychology] in Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Coordenadora dos Estágios Curriculares do Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde [Coordinator of the Curricular Internships of the Master in Clinical and Health Psychology] in Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Assessor in Serviço de Psicologia, Inovação e Conhecimento (SPIC) da Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário do Porto and Formadora in Instituto Português de Psicologia e Outras Ciências. Published 9 articles in journals. Has 3 section(s) of books. Organized 4 event(s). Participated in 50 event(s). Has received 3 awards and/or honors. Participates and/or participated as Integration into Research Grant Fellow in 1 project(s), Other in 1 project(s), PhD Student Fellow in 1 project(s), Research Fellow in 1 project(s) and Researcher in 1 project(s). Works in the area(s) of Social Sciences with emphasis on Psychology. In their professional activities interacted with 38 collaborator(s) co-authorship of scientific papers. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: Dropout; Therapeutic collaboration; Process research; Narrative therapy; Change process; Significant events; Therapeutic alliance; Marketing; Psychotherapy; Therapeutic relationship; Emotional disorders; Cognitive-behavior therapy; Efficacy; Psychophysiology; Syncrony; Good outcome; Poor outcome; Constructivist therapy; Depression; Conversation analysis; Systematic review; Successful aging; Development; Motivation; Case study; Psychology; Drugs abuse; Prevention; Qualitative research; Emotion-focused therapy; Assimilation of problematic experiences; Borderline personality disorder; Psychodynamic therapy; Anxiety; Academic adaption; Academic performance; Professional practice; Personal constructs therapy; Dialogical self; Peer review; Alliance ruptures; Research methods; Clinical practice; Communication; Psychotherapy integration; Databases; Online search; Information sources; Evaluation; Intervention; Family; Suicide; Child abuse; Parenting; Health education; Special education; Mental health; Training; Skills; Psychological assessment; Neuropsychology; Neuropsychiatry; Family therapy; Mental disorders; Ethics; Bioethics; Death; Publication; Semistructured interview; NVivo; Scientific writing; Human-environment interactions; Cognitive-emotional processes; Behavioral modelling; Design systems; Basic Psychology; Applied Psychology; Health; Education; Neuropsicofisiologia; Aprendizagem e cognição; Psicologia clínica e forense; Psicologia da educação; Neuropsychophysiology; Learning and cognition; Clinical and forensic psychology; Educational psychology; .


  • Licenciatura
    Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • Mestrado
    Master in Psychology
  • Doutoramento
    PhD in Applied Psychology
  • Outros
    Training in Emotion-Focused Therapy - Level 1
  • Outros
    Practical course on Vocational Orientation
  • Outros
    Advanced course on Attention Deficit Hiperactivity Disorder: Evaluation and Intervention
  • Outros
    English course - Level B2
  • Outros
    Mini-course on Generalized Linear Models and Applications
  • Outros
    Course on English for Academic Purposes
  • Outros
    Formação Pedagógica Inicial de Formadores [Initial Trainers Training Course]
  • Outros
    Training on Conversation Analysis
  • Outros
    Curso de Formação Profissional associado ao Estágio Profissional [Course of Professional Training associated with the Psychology Professional Internship]
  • Outros
    Training on the Therapeutic Collaboration Coding System (TCCS)
  • Outros
    Training on the Assimilation of Problematic Experiences Scale (APES)
  • Outros
    Training on the Rupture Resolution Rating System (3RS)
  • Outros
    Training on The Video Annotation Research Tool (ANVIL)
  • Outros
    Guidelines for Supervision Practices
  • Outros
    Psychological Intervention with Older Adults
  • Outros
    Psychological Intervention with LGBTQ People
  • Outros
    Psychological Intervention in Alcohol Related Problems
  • Outros
    Dilemmas in Practice: Professional Decision Making (For Supervisors)
  • Outros
    Psychological Interventions in Situations of Domestic Violence
  • Outros
    European Certificate of Psychology - Competencies Model (Supervisors)
  • Outros
    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy


Journal article

  • 2022-12-28, Therapist's interventions immediately after exceeding the client's therapeutic zone of proximal development: A comparative case study, Psychotherapy Research
  • 2021, Therapist's responsiveness when using supporting or challenging interventions: An exploratory case study
  • 2021, Therapeutic collaboration and physiological syncrony in cognitive-behavior therapy: An exploratory case study
  • 2019-06-25, Therapist's actions after therapeutic collaboration breaks: A single case study, Psychotherapy Research
  • 2019, Colaboración terapéutica: Estudio comparativo de un caso de éxito y un caso de fracaso de terapia constructivista [Therapeutic collaboration: A comparative study of a good and a poor outcome of constructivist therapy], Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica
  • 2018-07-01, The Therapeutic Collaboration in Dropout Cases of Narrative Therapy: An Exploratory Study, Revista de Psicoterapia
  • 2018, The therapeutic collaboration in dropouts of narrative therapy: An exploratory study, Revista de Psicoterapia
  • 2016, Therapeutic collaboration and significant events to the client's change: A systematic review, International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy
  • 2015-06, Colaboração terapêutica: Estudo comparativo dois casos de insucesso terapêutico - Um caso finalizado e de um caso de desistência [Therapeutic collaboration: A comparative case study of two poor outcomes - A completer and a dropout], Análise Psicológica

Thesis / Dissertation

  • 2017-07-13, PhD, O desenvolvimento da colaboração terapêutica em casos clínicos de desistência [The therapeutic collaboration development in dropout clinical cases]
  • 2011-07-22, Master, O desenvolvimento da colaboração terapêutica: O estudo de caso de um "dropout" seguido em terapia narrativa [Therapeutic collaboration development: A case study of a narrative therapy dropout]
  • 2008-09, Degree, "Dar mais vida aos anos": O idoso motivado e o envelhecimento bem-sucedido ["Giving life to years": The motivated elderly and successful aging]

Book chapter

  • 2024, Therapeutic Collaboration Coding System: From research to clinical training, Developing Process Sensitivity: A Transtheoretical Path to Improving Psychotherapy Training and Clinical Outcomes, APA
  • 2021, Therapeutic collaboration and responsiveness in narrative therapy, Attuning to enhance therapist responsiveness, American Psychological Association
  • 2019, Prevenir a desistência em psicoterapia: A relevância da aliança terapêutica [Preventing dropout in psychotherapy: The therapeutic alliance relevance], Aliança terapêutica: Da teoria à prática clínica [Therapeutic alliance: From theory to clinical practice], 2, Psiquilíbrios Edições


  • 2024, Técnicas da Terapia do Luto: Avaliação e Intervenção, Psiquilíbrios
  • 2022, Os anos incríveis: Guia de resolução de problemas para pais de crianças dos 2 aos 8 anos de idade, Psiquilíbrios

Conference poster

  • 2024-06-29, Therapists' burnout: The role of emotion regulation, self-compassion, and self-efficacy, 55th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research
  • 2024-04-09, Psychotherapy studies: The therapist, the client and the therapeutic relationship, I Jornadas em Psicologia: Práticas e Aplicações [1st Conferences in Psychology: Practices and Applications]
  • 2018-05, Colaboração terapêutica e sincronia psicofisiológica: O estudo de um caso de desistência [Therapeutic collaboration and psychophysiological syncrony: A case study of a dropout], IX Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [IX Research Seminar in Psychology of the University of Minho]
  • 2018-04, Therapeutic collaboration and the dyad's physiological syncrony in psychotherapy, 12º Simpósio da Fundação Bial [12th Symposium of the Bial Foundation]
  • 2016-06, Therapeutic collaboration and psychophysiological arousal: A comparative study of a dropout and a completer case, 3rd International Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
  • 2016-05, Microprocessos psicobiológicos em psicoterapia: Estudo de um caso de desistência [Psychobiological microprocesses in psychotherapy: A case study of a dropout], VII Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [VII Research Seminar in Psychology of the University of Minho]
  • 2016-05, Interações não colaborativas em psicoterapia: Análise de conversação dos esforços do terapeuta para restabelecer a colaboração [Non-collaborative interactions in psychotherapy: Conversation analysis of the therapist's efforts to reestablish collaboration], VII Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [VII Research Seminar in Psychology of the University of Minho
  • 2014-05, O desenvolvimento da colaboração terapêutica: Estudo comparativo de um caso de sucesso e de um caso de desistência em terapia narrativa [Therapeutic collaboration development: A comparative case study of a good outcome and a dropout of narrative therapy], V Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [V Research Seminar in Psychology of the University of Minho]
  • 2013-06, A systematic review protocol on therapeutic collaboration as a micro-process in significant change events in psychotherapy, XXIXth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration
  • 2013-05, O desenvolvimento da colaboração terapêutica: O estudo de caso de um dropout seguido em terapia narrativa [Therapeutic collaboration development: A case study of a narrative therapy dropout], IV Seminário de Investigação em Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [IV Research Seminar in Psychology of the University of Minho]
  • 2010-06, Formation of therapeutic alliance: Micro-analysis of therapist and client's interactions, 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research

Other output

  • 2019, The Therapeutic Collaboration Coding System (TCCS): Revised training manual, Unpublished, for internal use in training sessions on the TCCS
  • 2016-02-04, The Therapeutic Collaboration Coding System (TCCS): Training manual, Unpublished, for internal use in training sessions on the TCCS


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