
Class History of Criminology

  • Presentation


    This UC intends to establish the cartography of Criminology within the social sciences, mapping the
    evolution traced from the founding moment. It is a History UC specialized in one aspect of the
    knowledge, implying its conjunction with other areas of social knowledge and behavior,
    in which it is integrated.
    Its pertinence comes, therefore, from what was stated in the preceding paragraph, as it is not
    can start students in a scientific area in ignorance of the respective historical, cultural,
    political and socioeconomic.and the corresponding genealogy. It is necessary to trace the archeology and
    genealogy of this science.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Historical analysis. Emergence and evolution of currents of criminological thought: classical school and
    cartographic school. Prison and successive reforms. Alienism and its influence on the approach to crime.
    Perspective of degeneration (Morel). Positivism and the anthropological school. Italian positivism and the
    theories of Lombroso, Ferri and Garofalo. Crisis of criminal anthropology.
    The new psychological and sociological trends. Development of criminology in Europe and
    America. Chicago School.
    Criminology at the turn of the century. XXI.
    Portugal: method of analysis.

  • Objectives


    This UC aims to acquire knowledge about the scientific and sociocultural context of the emergence of
    Criminology, its genealogy, as an instance of reflection on crime, its actors, scenarios and
    interactions. It is about bringing students closer to the historical-cultural and political-economic reality
    of the emergence of knowledge about criminality, which makes the UC indispensable for the start of
    training in Criminology.
    It also intends to analyze Criminology from an interdisciplinary point of view, integrating social and
    institutions in relation to criminal behavior;
    Observe the trajectory of this science on an international scale; It is
    Proceed to approach the trajectory of criminological knowledge in Portugal, according to the evolution
    and with the successive political, socioeconomic and scientific moments.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical-practical classes, in which the exposition made by the teacher is complemented by inviting students to reflect and debate. The theoretical component consists of presenting the students with the various items, which will be worked on in the practical aspect of the classes, accompanied by the reading and discussion of classic texts from each period. The assessment is divided into the work carried out, with participation in three initiatives promoted or supported by the course being mandatory, with the preparation of a report for each activity (50%) and completion of a frequency (50%)
  • References


    Agra, C. . A Criminologia: Um arquipélago interdisciplinar . Porto: Universidade do Porto, 2012.

    Agra, C. & Gomes, M. A. (Org.) Criminologia integrativa . Belo Horizonte: Perspetivas Criminológicas Beccaria, C. (1764/1998). Tratado do delito e das penas. Lisboa: Fundação Gulbenkian, 2018.

    Debuyst, Ch., Digneffe, F., et al . Histoire des Savoirs sur le Crime & la Peine 1. Bruxelles: De Boek , 2008.

    Herrero, C. H. (2000). Criminología . Madrid: Dykinson, 2000.

    Sani, A. & Nunes, L. (Coord.). Crime, justiça e sociedade: Desafios emergentes e propostas multidisciplinares . Porto: Ed. CRIAP, 2014..


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