
Class History of Psychology

  • Presentation


    The History of Psychology course will adopt a chronological perspective to illustrate the history and evolution of psychology as a science, also following a comparative perspective between the past and the present of the different areas of Psychology.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Philosophical roots of modern psychology: contributions of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke.
    2. Physiological roots of modern psychology: contributions of Helmholtz, Gall, Broca.
    3. The beginnings of scientific psychology: contributions of Fechner, Wundt, Ebbinghaus.
    4. Origins of scientific psychology in America: contributions by James, Hall, Cattell.
    5. Structuralism and functionalism: contributions by Titchener, Dewey, Angell.
    6. The birth of applied psychology: contributions by Binet, Yerkes, Münsterberg.
    7. Gestalt psychology: contributions from Wertheimer, Köhler, Lewin.
    8. Psychoanalysis: contributions from Freud, Breuer, Jung, Fancher.
    9. Behaviorism and neo-behaviorism: contributions by Pavlov, Watson, Tolman, Hull, Skinner.
    10. Cognitive psychology: contributions of Bartlett, Mandler.
    11. Psychology in the 21st century.
  • Objectives


    • Recall and Organize: Recall and chronologically sequence the key events that have shaped the development of psychology as a science.
    • Understand: Categorize and evaluate various psychological schools of thought, analyzing their unique characteristics and historical significance.
    • Apply: Examine the contributions of influential figures in the history of psychology, relating their theories and ideas to specific historical contexts.
    • Analyze: Critically assess the current state of psychology as a discipline, considering its evolution over time and its impact on society and individuals.
    • Construct: Construct a comprehensive overview of the history of psychology, integrating various perspectives and synthesizing information to present a coherent narrative.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The History of Psychology curriculum incorporates innovative teaching-learning strategies that encourage active participation and a deeper comprehension of the subject matter, including:

    • Debate of seminal scientific papers and classical experiments that have contributed significantly to the development of psychology as a science.
    • The course utilizes films and documentaries pertaining to the history of psychology. These visual resources will be utilized to facilitate a vivid and contextualized comprehension of important psychological concepts, theories, and historical events. 
    • Debates will be incorporated into the learning process in order to promote critical thinking, argumentation, and the investigation of various perspectives. 
    • The syllabus acknowledges the value of collaborative learning and the co-construction of knowledge. Interactive activities, group discussions, and hands-on exercises will be incorporated into practical classes to encourage student participation.
  • References


    • Braunstein, J., & Pewzner, E. (2003). História da Psicologia. Instituto Piaget.
    • Hergenhahn, B. R., & Henley, T. (2014). An introduction to the history of psychology . Wadsworth.
    • Pickren, W. E., Rutherford, A. (2010). A history of modern psychology in context. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2015). A history of modern psychology. Cengage Learning.
    • Shiraev, E. (2015). A history of psychology: A global perspective (2.ª Ed.) . SAGE.
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