
Class Political Communication

  • Presentation


    Political Communication is a curricular unit of the Master's Degree in Political Science - Citizenship and Governance, biannual and taught in the 1st year. It provides the theoretical basis for understanding the relationship between Communication and Politics. Stimulates critical thinking about the influence of political marketing on communication; on the relationship between journalism/public opinion; on the main current challenges in the media: misinformation and fake news, and also on the concepts of communication, democracy and citizenship.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The theory of political communication: communication, power and politics.

    2. Power and the media.

    3. Political marketing.

    4. Instrumental communication: advertising and information manipulation

    5. The political effects of communication: The politics-show and the campaign strategies; the influence of polls.

    6. Fake News and disinformation: the political response.

    7. Spin doctors and political advice.

    8. Political and ethical communication.

    9. Journalism and its code of ethics.

    10. Networks, communication and deliberative democracy.

  • Objectives


    Students, at the end of the semester, should be able to: a) Define and scientifically relate the concepts of communication, power and politics. b) Critically analyze power and the media. c) Relate marketing and advertising to the political effects of Communication. d) Understand the power and social-political effect of networks. e) Elaborate on the main policy challenges to contain the misinformation

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methods to be used will be essentially expository and interrogative, taking into account the nature of the subjects. The pedagogical techniques to be used will be: the exposition technique; ice-breaker technique; brainstorming technique; case study technique; group work technique and debate technique. The curricular unit will have continuous assessment with frequency analysis and participation/work with debates and a final test. The grade will be assigned according to the following parameters: Attendance and participation/ works and presentations - 40% 1 Assessment tests - 60%
  • References


    • Barreiros, José Jorge (2012). Democracia, Comunicação e Media. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais. Camponez, Carlos (2011). Deontologia do Jornalismo. Coimbra: Ed. Almedina. Castells, M. (2011). Comunicación y Poder. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Correia, Fernando (1997). Os Jornalistas e as Notícias. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho. Cunha, Isabel Ferin, Estrela Serrano (orgs) (2016). Media, Corrupção Política e Justiça. Lisboa: Mariposa Azul Lampreia, J. Martins & Caetano, Joaquim (coord.) (2009). Marketing e Comunicação Política. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Negrine, Ralph (2008). The Transformation of Political Communication. Red Globe Press. Nobre-Correia, J.M. (2019). Média, Informação e Democracia. Coimbra: Ed. Almedina. Santos, J. A. (2012). Media e Poder. O poder mediático e a erosão da democracia representativa. Lisboa: Vega. Santos, J. A. (Orgs.). (2020). Política e Democracia na Era Digital. Lisboa: Ed. Parsifal.
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