
Class Arts and Technologie

  • Presentation


    Art and technology are terms that originally came together. The splitting of terms is a recent phenomenon and aims to account for the distinction between two ways of the human making and producing things. If art wants to be a form whose ends are internal to its means, technology refers to making one the ends are out of the means. In this CU we will try to show the coincidences and the historical divergences in which the two terms converge and diverge. We will enquiry about the nature of art, and then ask what technology is and how it proceeds. By making a historical and theoretical path, where these themes are dealt with, we are at the same time showing how technology and art can be interconnected, thus emphasizing the outcomes and the syllabus of the CU.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction to the problem: art as technology;
    2. Definitions of Art and Territory of the artistic;
    3. The technique: from construction to action;
    4. Art: historical approach to aesthetic judgment;
    5. Crisis in the intersection between Art and Technology: the case for 20th century;
    6. The Fragmentation of Art and the rise of Technology: postmodernism;
    7. Art, Technique and Politics;
    8. “The Hum of the World”: art, sound and technology.
  • Objectives


    1. To know the relationships between artistic creations, technology and communication;
    2. To know how to identify the artistic phenomenon as a cultural phenomenon;
    3. To identify the influence of technology on artistic production;
    4. To understand Modernity as an intersection phenomenon;
    5. To understand the intersection of art and technology in contemporary arts: sound, image, movement;
    6. To recognize what is an aesthetic judgement.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Oral exposal class; hermeneutics and textual heuristics; public discussion of arguments; visual support material

  • References


    Aristo¿teles (2012), E¿tica a Nico¿maco (Grego-Portugue¿s). Lisboa: Edic¿o¿es Universita¿rias Luso¿fonas.

    Bradley, Arthur (2011), Originary Technicity: The Theory of Technology from Marx to Derrida. Palgrave Macmilnan, 2011.

    Groys, Boris (2008), «A Genealogy of Participatory Art». In AAVV (2008), The Art of Participation: From 1950 to Now. New York/London: Thames & Hudson, 2008, pp. 18-31. 

    Kramer, Lawrence, The Hum of the World. A Philosophy of Listening. Berkeley: University of California Press.

    Mitcham, Carl (1994), Thinking through Technology. The Path between Engineering and Philosophy. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1994. 

    Siegert, Bernhard (2015), Cultural Techniques. Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other. Articulations of the Real. New York: Fordham University Press. 

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