
Class Seminar I: Communication and Technology

  • Presentation


     The Seminar Communication and Technology I curricular unit has as main objectives:
    - interpret, reflect and discuss the perspectives of some of the main authors and artists who have been investigating / reflecting on the impacts of digital on society, namely Sonia Livingstone, David Buckingham, Henry Jenkins, Mark Deuze, Knut Lundby, Trine Syvertsen, Andreas Hepp, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Peter Weibel, Douglas Coupland, among others.
    - reflect critically on the concept of Digital Transformation, as an effect of digital technologies and digitalization processes that cross contemporary societies;
    - explore theoretically and empirically the processes of Digital Disconnection, to better understand this emerging trend.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Introduction to Digital Transformation
    - definition and characterization of digital transformation; main actors and main evangelists; digital utopias and dystopias
    Introduction to Digital Disconnection
    - definition and characterization of digital disconnection; related terms and concepts: digital disengagement, digital detox, digital dieting, digital fasting, digital overuse, unplugging ...
    Research methods for understanding Digital Disconnection: 
    - quantitative and qualitative methods Mediation and Mediatization - definitions of mediation and mediatization; extreme lifelog, lifecasting, livestreaming
    Media Resistance and Media Participation:
    - resistance to the media, media activism; moral panic, media panic; digital footprints and the right to be forgoten; participatory media and participatory cultures
    Deep Mediatization and Synthetic Media: 
    - definition and reflection on deep mediatization; synthetic media; deep fakes.

  • Objectives


     In order to stimulate critical reflection on the effects of digital technologies and digitalization processes in contemporary societies, this course proposes the exploration of works by a diverse set of authors and researchers who have worked directly or indirectly on this theme.
    The different perspectives to be summoned throughout the semester should allow the student to interpret and understand the complexity of the concept of Digital Transformation and the current and future implications of these processes for society as a whole, namely, the various forms of voluntary rejection to these processes - here called Digital Disconnection.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

     The discipline is theoretical and practical, with expository, demonstrative and participatory methods.
    Throughout the semester, articles and / or excerpts from some of the fundamental works of authors and artists who investigate and reflect on the impacts of digital technologies and digitization processes on contemporary societies will be read and discussed. In addition, excerpts from fiction films, documentaries and other relevant audiovisual works will be shown during the classes to discuss the themes and concepts that are part of the course program. Students must use oral, written and audiovisual communication techniques to demonstrate their knowledge acquisition and their critical reflection skills.
    (more details - in Moodle)

  • References


    Kaun, A. & Schwarzenegger, C. (2014). "No media, less life?" Online disconnection in mediatized worlds. First Monday, [S.l.]. ISSN 13960466. DOI:  10.5210/fm.v19i11.5497

    Hepp, A. (2020). Deep Mediatization . Routledge.

    Livingstone, S. & Lunt, P. (2014) Mediatization: an emerging paradigm for media and communication studies.  In: Lundby, K., (ed.) Mediatization of Communication. Handbooks of Communication Science (21). De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 703-724. ISBN 9783110272215

    Lundby, K. (2009). Mediatization: Concept, changes, consequences.  New York: Peter Lang.

    Syvertsen, T., & Enli, G. (2019). Digital detox: Media resistance and the promise of authenticity. Convergence. DOI: 10.1177/1354856519847325

    Syvertsen, T. (2017). Media Resistance: Protest, Dislike, Abstention . Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46499-2

    Wardrip-Fruin, N. & Montfort, N. (eds.) (2003). New Media Reader . Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

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