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Class Rugby (Option I Modality - Sports Training Branch)

  • Presentation


    This Option, in the scope of Rugby aims to provide students with deontological, relational, pedagogical
    and technical skills required for the effective exercise of professional activity, with the general objective of
    guiding practitioners in training and competition. Thus, the skills of planning, organizing, implementing
    and evaluating the activity of practitioners in the context of training and competition are highlighted, both
    in the "micro" perspective and in the "meso" and "macro" perspectives, the latter being implemented in
    the annual planning, in accordance with the requirements context and level of practice where it operates.
    These skills require, in turn, in-depth knowledge of the practitioner's long-term sports development
    process, as well as mastery of the methods of evaluation, control and monitoring of the training and
    competition process.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Diagnostic evaluation 2
    2 Rugby Teaching Methodology 2: Technical Dominants
    3 Pedagogical practice 2 Initial, intermediate and final evaluation of the candidate in a situation of
    pedagogical practice, in the conduct of exercise or game in respect of the Principles of the game and
    management of the General Movement of the game
    4 Offensive and defensive tactic 2. Collective organization attack, defense and balanced occupation of
    space. Game after kick-off and restart; after orderly training and alignment, counter attack
    5 Game analysis. Selection of indicators. Methods of analysis. Interpretation of the data.
    6 Planning in rugby 2: Sports season planning, Training session planning in rugby
    7 Integrated Physical Training 2. Design and implement the physical training session in rugby under 14 to
    sub 18 and senior
    8 SEVENS 2 Design and management of training session in sevens.
    9 Know the safety procedures of the Rugby Ready program in teaching the techniques of risk.

  • Objectives


    1. Demonstrate skills in the design and management of the exercise, in the communication and
    management techniques of the group.
    2 Master the methodology of rugby training at the level of the dominant individual and collective
    techniques; Play standing, play on the ground, play on foot, ordered training and alignment.
    3 Demonstrate training skills in a situation of pedagogical practice.
    4. Use the conditioned games as a method for training the game.
    5 Interpret the indicators of game analysis and apply offensive and defensive tactics. Demonstrate skills
    in the planning of the season and training sessions.
    6. Apply safety standards and contact management and implement procedures in the event of an
    accident. Know and apply the laws of the game in the training and game situations of XV and Sevens.
    7 Design and implement integrated physical training sessions of transfer per post.
    8 Demonstrates skills in the design of planning, training session direction and competition management
    of Sevens.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Monitoring and discussion of training sessions led by students in a Club environment.

    Possibility of intervention in a training environment after discussion of observed scenarios.

  • References


    • Federação Portuguesa de Rugby (2009), Leis do jogo de Rugby, Edição: CEFD
    • International Rugby Board (2010), Rugby Ready, IRB: Ireland
    • Garcia, H., Moura, J. (2011), Rugby na Escola: Tag Rugby, FPR/DGIDC/DE: Lisboa
    • Damasceno, N. & Moreira, M. (2011) Caderno de Exercícios Rugby (Ficha Técnica - Federação Portuguesa de Rugby ) . Lisboa
    • Federação Portuguesa de Rugby. (2014). Compreensão e Lógica do Jogo .


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