
Class Tourism Resource Analysis and Management

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to build a theoretical and practical basis of knowledge, in a form that aims to enable the student's organisation to information, in order to provide not only the identification of the characteristics of the various tourism products, but also their development appropriate to the characteristics of the touristic resources existing in the various tourist destinations.
    The literature on destination competitiveness emphasises the importance of designing the tourism product based on the intrinsic resources and immutable characteristics of the territory. 
    In this context, it is essential to carry out an inventory of all tourism resources of the destination, as well as to diagnose its tourism potential, advancing in the application of models that facilitate the management of resources and their transformation into a tourism product, considering the factors and dynamics that enhance their sustainability.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction to Tourism Resource Analysis and Management
    2. Inventory of Tourism Resources
    2.1 Methods of resource inventory and cataloguing
    2.2 Identification of natural, cultural and social resources
    2.3 Construction of the Tourism Resource Inventory as a tool
    3.           The Tourism Resource Assessment Matrix
    3.1 Concept and functionality
    3.2 Construction and application of the Matrix as a tool for the strategic prioritisation of resources and prioritisation.
    4.  Development of tourism products
    4.1.       Application of the sequence of development of the Tourism Product:
    5.  SWOT Analysis of Tourism
    6.  Tourism Carrying Capacity and Impacts
    7.  Tourism Destination Management
    8.  Best Practices in Community Engagement, Sustainable Tourism, Sustainability Certification, education and awareness of sustainable practices.
    9.  Trends and innovations in Tourism Resource Management

  • Objectives


    Employ tools and instruments for the selection, inventory and strategic evaluation of tourism resources.
    Realise the importance of resource inventory and tourism product development in the framework of strategic management.
    Identify the principles and apply the practices that are essential in the framework of the strategic management of tourist destinations.
    Understand the dynamics of the impact of Carrying Capacity on tourism and apply the Carrying Capacity Assessment model. 
    Recognise the relevance of stakeholders, cooperation and collaboration, partnerships and networks in tourism destination management.
    Understand and promote good practice in Community Engagement, Sustainable Tourism, Sustainability Certification, education and awareness of sustainable practices.
    Understand and promote innovation and success in Tourism Resource and Destination Management.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In order to bring the learning methodologies closer to the current guidelines for student-centred teaching, the following actions will be applied:

    It is intended to use Moodle to streamline the exchange of information gathered and the discussion between the groups on the topics under analysis that will be carried out in an environment external to the classroom environment. The use of this platform for these purposes corresponds to the A3ES guideline in order to stimulate and promote "learning communities in virtual environments" and "cooperative learning".

    Interactive Exposure will be preferably applied, together with methods centred on Inquiry and Cooperation, promoting individual student participation and their integration in working and research groups. The already used Problem-Based Learning and Case Studies methods will be reinforced in the approach to the labour market, guided visits and practical classes, fulfilling the A3ES guideline "Learning in the Workspace".

  • References


    SILVA, F. e UMBELINO, J. (2017), "Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Turístico", Lidel

    TURISMO DE PORTUGAL (2017), Estratégia Turismo 2027, Turismo Portugal, Lisboa

    UNWTO (2011), "Handbook on Tourism Product Development", UNWTO, Madrid

    EDGELL Sr, D. L. (2019). Managing sustainable tourism: A legacy for the future. Routledge.

    SILVA, S. (2013), Turismo Interno: Uma Visão Integrada. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas.



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