
Class Social Policy in Portugal and in the European Union

  • Presentation


    Social Policy in the European Union has all the pertinence in the scope of the Master's degree because Portugal is inserted in the European space. Thus, the historical dimension, the Social Policies of the EU and their evolution and involution, concretized in fields of action defined by Member States, are reflected in each State and concretely in Portugal in several fields of action.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


     Social Policies and Welfare State. Concepts, evolution and phases in more than 100 years  The development of social policies in Portugal before and after the 25 April  Welfare State and Sectoral Policies: Education, Health, Housing, Employment, Social Assistance  Reasons for the emergence and development of social policies in the EU  European Social Model (or models)  Globalization, europeanization and dismantling (?) of the Welfare State. Social Minimum Policies  The 2030 Agenda and the objectives for sustainable development.  Today's society and new challenges for the EU
  • Objectives


    Historically situating Social Policies in the EU Understand the fundamentals of the creation of the Welfare State in Europe and the Social Policies in the EU. Analyze their evolution and involution and the phenomena of implication in changes. Relate Portugal's Social Policies to the European context and the influences of EU social programs. To identify in the context of globalization the behavior of Social Policies in a critical perspective   Skills Ability To master concepts and basic notions for understanding the discipline in its historical evolution within the scope of Social Policies. Ability to understand the values and principles inherent in the welfare state and EU policies. Ability to identify Social Policy measures and programs for certain social groups and EU Programs for States. Ability to acquire a critical / reflective spirit about the concepts and practices of Social Policies in their interception with Social Work
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

     Interactive classes with participation, through the exhibition method - interrogative; Valorization of the theoretical and practical experience of master's leaders in debates and presentation of papers; Guests in class of experts in the given subject. The evaluation of the Curricular Unit combines the appreciation of attendance and participation in the seminar with the realization of an individual written work. The written work consists in the performance of a papper, containing the selection of one of the topics dealt with in the programme and its theoretical basis followed by its application to the analysis of the questions of the themes given. The wrk may be related to the theme of the dissertation, constituting itself as a plan of a chapter of the same. The rating will be from 0-20 values. Being 20% of attendances and participation and 80% of the written work. The delivery of the work must be after 3 weeks of finishing the module.
  • References


    Albuquerque, C.; Luz, H. (2016). Políticas Sociais em Tempos de Crise. Pactor Ampagatubó, J. (2014). A Construção da União Europeia: Um olhar sobre a dimensão social do Projeto.In Revista de Ciência Política, Segurança e Relações Internacionais, 11, pp:133-146. Baltazar, I. (2019). Repensar Portugal e a Ideia de Europa: Pensamento Contemporâneo. Theya Editores. Comissão Europeia (2018). O Pilar Europeu dos Direitos Sociais. A Europa Social. Luxemburgo: Serviço das Publicações da UE European Commission (2022) Directorate - General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union Miguéis, R.; Borges, M.; Guerra D. (2015). Horizonte 2020. Desafio societal 6: Europa num mundo em mudança: sociedades inclusivas, inovadoras e reflexivas. In Gabinete de Promoção dos Programas-Quadro ID&I. FCT, Agência de Inovação Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros (2017). Relatório nacional sobre a implementação da Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável  
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