
Class Seminário de Arquitetura: Projecto e Investigação

  • Presentation


    The Curricular Unit of Architectural Design proposes to introduce and develop knowledge in the disciplinary scope of Architecture, based on its practical side of the project. It also proposes to introduce the methodological foundations developed throughout the History of Architecture in order to substantiate the practice of the project and Theory of Architecture.


    The Curricular Unit has the following scope and possibilities of study:

    a) Architectural Conception – Critical Theory of Architecture, as a deepening of the creative process and thought in the action of the project;

    b) Investigative readings of Architectural Conception in Architecture, through the domain of disciplinary instruments in Architecture, those of design, communication conventions, the idea of model and type and other tools that architecture has, such as research in architecture.

  • Code


  • Syllabus



    Competencies will be introduced in two ways:

    1. the introduction of knowledge in the field of architectural design in the context of history and in the context of the present, with examples of architectures, works and their design and construction methodologies. The example of some thinkers and philosophers who have decoded creative processes will also be introduced.

          b. the introduction of external examples from other researchers who will introduce matters of architectural design resulting from scientific research studies, which will decode creative strategies in an explicitly scientific way and explain the methodologies of study and analysis of architectural discourses.          

  • Objectives


    This course aims to introduce specific knowledge in the disciplinary field of architecture, which develops the individual skills of grounded and erudite architectural thinking. It is intended that the doctoral student develops thinking and argumentation skills that allow the development of his research work. For this, we introduce and decode architectural objects, architectural projects, design methodologies and critical readings in the field of architecture.

    It is intended that the doctoral student expands his architectural culture and learns to question and decipher the object and methods of architectural design.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The PhD in Architecture at Universidade Lusófona has implemented a close relationship between the University Centers of Lisbon and Porto. To this end, it organizes classes into separate face-to-face classes and joint online classes. Furthermore, and with the aim of internationalizing the course, an International Seminar is organized between the Universidade Lusófona, the University of Ljubljana and Manchester School of Architecture. This Seminar includes a series of online doctoral classes open to the public, shared by the three institutions. Each class includes a class with an international guest and a debate time, where all doctoral students, professors and the rest of the audience can participate.

  • References


    Aris, C. M. (2005). La Cimbra Y el Arco. Barcelona: Fundacio¿n Caja de Arquitectos

    Foqué, R. (2010). Building Knowledge in Architecture. Antwerp: University Press Antwerp

    Frampton, K. (1995). Studies in tectonic culture, Cambridge: MIT Press

    Fullaondo, J. D.. (1990). Composicio¿n de Lugar, la Arquitectura entre el arte y la ciencia, Madrid: Hermann Blume

    Jenks, C. e Kropf, K. (1997). Theories and manifestoes of contemporary architecture, London: Academy editions, West Sussex

    Moneo, R. (2004). Inquietud teo¿rica y estrategia proyectual, en la obra de ocho arquitectos contemporaneous. Barcelona: Actar

    Pallasmaa, J. & Mackeith, P. B. (2012). Encounters 1 And 2: Architectural Essays. Helsi¿nquia: Rakennustieto Publishing

    Rodrigues, A. J. (1996). Teoria da arquitectura : o projecto como processo integral na arquitectura de A¿lvaro Siza. Porto: Edic¿o¿es FAUP

    Rodrigues, J. M. (Ed.) (2010). Teoria e Cri¿tica de Arquitectura do Se¿culo XX. Lisboa: Ordem dos Arquitectos - Secc¿a¿o Regional Sul


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