
Class History, Aesthetique and Sound Studies

  • Presentation


    This UC intends to recognise, especially in modernity and the contemporary world, the historical relationship between sound media and technique and their evolution in society. Students learn from the archeology of sound the works developed and the deviations that occurred in the use and function of the devices. They are, therefore, able to promote the hybridity of genres and sound arts based on the exhaustive characterization of technical objects and their reception. By knowing history and aesthetics, especially in sound objects, we are able to recognize what is new and what can be changed in what history has constituted. Emphasis will be given to the musical movements, after the I World War, having as background the introduction of means of communication and the problems raised to the sonic art and its diffusion.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Archeology of sound media; 2. The invention of sound recording and reproduction devices: causes, objects and functions; 3. The deviations of sound media throughout the 19th and 20th century: structural and functional changes; 4. Behaviors and social effects: aesthetics and devices; 5. The electrical revolution, sound devices and the body; 6. Music and strange objects: technical reconnection and composition review; 7. The problems raised by acoustic ecology; 8. The forms of artistic hybridity and new genres; 9: Sound arts and new audiovisual media: cinema, video and immersive media. 10. Current status.

  • Objectives


    1. Understand the current situation from historical data;

    2. Know the current situation from the set of devices and artistic activity developed in the 20th and 21st centuries;

    3. The student gains skills for a reflection focused on the production of sound, enabling their individual development and their artistic ability.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    1. Presentation of the main elements and problems included in the program;

    2. Presentation of case studies, in the field of sound arts, of the relationship between sound media and music;

    3. Tutoring in relation to students' artistic creation. 

  • References


    • [Preencher APELIDO], [Preencher Primeiros Nomes] - [Preencher Título]. [Preencher Edição. Local de publicação :Editor, Ano de publicação. Descrição física. Série. ISBN)]
    • [Preencher APELIDO], [Preencher Primeiros Nomes] - [Preencher Título]. [Preencher Edição. Local de publicação :Editor, Ano de publicação. Descrição física. Série. ISBN)


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