
Centre of Excellence and Pedagogical Innovation in Cinema & Media Arts

New project focussed on developing ULusófona's creative skills approved

18.04.24 - 10h23

The Department of Cinema and Media Arts at Lusófona University has just received approval for its proposal, the Centre of Excellence and Pedagogical Innovation in Cinema and Media Arts (CECAM). This proposal, submitted under the National Resilience Fund call "Investment RE-C06-i07 | Mais Impulso Digital 04/C06-i07/2023 - Sub-measure Innovation and Pedagogical Modernisation in Higher Education", aims to create a Centre focused on skills and competences that extend to all areas of the arts where creativity and critical thinking play a central role.

This project will be implemented over the next three years, with funding of approximately 1 million euros, dedicated to teacher training and the dissemination of lifelong learning programmes aimed at professionals in the sector, along with the creation of "Living Labs" aimed at developing the innovation of young creative talents.

The implementation of CECAM is a natural continuation of the work the University is doing in the context of the FilmEU European University and the CRESCINE research project, as both initiatives focus on future market needs and skills gaps in the film and audiovisual industries in Europe.


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