Ethics Code
The ULusófona Ethics Commission publishes on the University website its legal framework, its constitution and the work program prepared for 2019/2021.
Ethics comes from the Greek "ethos" and means the set of values that guide the behavior of people in society. It is fundamental for social well-being in all domains: personal, family, social and professional.
In Education, and specifically in the academic environment, Ethics is transversal to training, research and leisure activities, to all academic spaces, formal and informal, and to all relations, from teachers and students, to services academics and peer relations.
In the societies of risk and unpredictability in which we live, it is essential that young people in academic training make their ethical criteria that allow them to respond to the challenges of the present and the future with responsibility and autonomy. From Sophocles and Aristotle, Kant and Hegel to Deleuze, Lipovetsky and Habermas, there are many authors who, in each historical period, studied, reflected and wrote about Ethics.
It is up to us to honor this heritage and ensure a University that assumes and promotes Ethics in every domain of its life.
The President of the Ethics Committee
Ana Benavente
Code of Ethics of Universidade Lusófona Joint Dispatch No. 12/2019 - Homologation of the Code of Ethics of Universidade Lusófona.
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Appointment of the Ethics Committee Joint Dispatch No. 48 - Creation and Appointment of the Ethics Committee of Universidade Lusófona.
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Regulation of the Ethics Committee Joint Order No. 34/2019
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Ethics Committee Activities Plan Activity Plan for 2019/2021.
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Members of the Ethics Committee Joint Dispatch No. 26/2019.
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Useful Information Some studies relevant to the areas of intervention of the ethics committee.
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