
Creating Knowledge at Lusófona University

The University opens its doors to the community and welcomes students to carry out practical activities.

03.02.23 - 11h55

The "Creating Knowledge", an integral part of the Lusófona University's "Community Connection" project, which seeks to provide secondary school students with a first contact with the reality of Higher Education, making known in a practical way the training offer of the Lusófona University.

“Criar Saberes” is a project with more than 20 years of existence whose objective is to make students from 10th to 12th grade aware of the laboratory and experimental reality in the most varied areas of knowledge and to broaden their horizons when choosing the course and form of entry into higher education.

Aiming to answer questions like "Do you already know which course you want to attend? Do you know all the options that you have at your disposal? Or, Do you know what is the content of the disciplines of the course you want to attend?", the Project integrates different areas secondary education sciences and their adequacy to the curricular programs and to the innovation of the activities presented.

Gene Cloning: Introduction to Basic Molecular Biology Techniques

Gene Cloning: Introduction to Basic Molecular Biology Techniques

DNA Fingerprinting - Genetics/Molecular Biology


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